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Es un hecho comprobado que los royals europeos son fans absolutos de la moda infantil española: Fina Ejerique, Nanos, Pili Carrera, Mayoral o Gocco entre otras marcas han vestido a los más pequeños de las casas reales europeas.

Como una auténtica miniroyal, Carla nos recibió con su habitual sonrisa que nos cautivó desde el principio. Para la recepción en el ayuntamiento lució un vestido rojo de Fina Ejerique que nos recordó que pronto llegará la navidad y compartió con nosotros su creciente ansiedad porque lleguen esas fiestas ya que adora estar con su familia.
As an authentic miniroyal, Carla welcomed us with her usual smile that captivated us from the beginning. For the reception at the city hall, she wore a red dress by Fina Ejerique that made us think that Christmas is coming and shared with us her growing anxiety for the arrival of those days because she loves being with her family.
She loves to take walks with his tartan teckel. But on cold days she have to warm up and although she likes the classics, always choose clothes with a special touch, like this coat by Fina Ejerique with fur collar and jewel buttons.
Sunny days abound in the city, so for the opening of the "Boat Show" she has chosen the red Ray-Ban glasses by Climent optician's shop and a Mango Kids hat that combine with her outfit all by Fina Ejerique. In this type of events is important to dress comfortable so it is not surprising the choice of Lefties shoes with details in red.
She enjoys a lot of the "Grand Prix" days because the streets are filled with people and every day is a novelty. The houndstooth pants combined with the ecru viella shirt are undoubtedly the perfect outfit. The flats by H&M matching with safety helmets gave us the clue tat she loves the details.
Félix Zamarra behind the lens, Begoña from Be Blossom with the styling, Paola García with hairdressing and makeup and Elena Ferrando from Margarita And Co. with the production.
Special thanks to our private miniroyal Carla, Vicky's daughter, creator of Little C.
Thanks to all of them and thanks to you for staying there!